Friday, November 10, 2006

bastardizing brooklyn

Can someone please tell me what the hell is going on here? I want to know who allowed this to happen and then I want to hunt them down, ice pick in hand.

First of all, lets be real, Dominos isnt even pizza. Its crappy processed cheese with ketchup on bread. Don't get me wrong, I've been known to chow down on some of their crappy pies, but its usually when i am stoned out of my mind and munching after midnight. Even then I have to drown the mini cheapo slice in ranch dressing and spend the remaining hours of the night in the bathroom with stomach cramps and aliens in my intestine.

And they certainly cast some fine characters to portray us brooklynites. Yeah, thats what brooklyn is about, ghettos, old ladies screaming out windows and guidos.

If that wasn't enough for me to boycott Dominos forever, heres a little tid bit. Dominos corporation financially supports pro-life groups. Oh yeah, done and done.

Oh and by the way, brooklyn has barcade so obviously, we rule.

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