Saturday, March 14, 2009

ink for kids!!

so, i just heard about this new barbie, and everyone I talked to about it thinks I'm completely crazy (appearantly theres some sort of uproar about it)....but I think its neat.

Meet "Totally Stylin Tattoo Barbie".

whats the big deal? Tattoos are a form of expression and art!! I can just see the PTA picketing in front of Mattel about these, while their daughters are home playing with the "American Top Model" barbie or one of those hooker dolls they call "Bratz" (yes, with a z).

Are people implying that "tattoos" are not up to some bizarro standard made up by the clones of "Desperate Housewives"? Isn't it some sort of discrimination? Grr. Makes me mad. I am a beautiful and smart woman and mother and I have quite a few tatts myself and look forward to much more. Fuck off you khaki wearing bitches, my daughter is TOTALLY bringing this over to play with your kids.

Friday, March 06, 2009

spring teaser

i cannot tell you how OVER winter I am. Tired of the cold and the ugly, dirty city snow and tired of feeling like I've been cooped up in the house for ages. Today was the first day that I could just about smell spring on the way. Ohhhhhh....ahhhhh.

Shaela is feeling the same. Today was the first day she went out the the park in quite some time. And, of course, she was as adorable as ever.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

i'll never be a geographer but...

I am obsessed with Google Earth. I know shit about geography but I just spent quite a few hours looking at the world on my 17" screen and I feel newly enlightened. I also feel like I need to travel a hell of a lot more. It's not like I've never left the country or anything but there is so much of this world that I am intrigued by. Why does traveling have to be so god damn expensive!!

I also decided that I want to live abroad. This decision is based not only on my obvious desire to experience new cultures but because as I was Google Earthing, I was simultaneously watching Michael Moores' documentary "Sicko" and well, if you've seen it, you know why.

But for now, I am sticking by my man Obama and staying here in Brooklyn. In the meantime, I'll just have to plop my butt on my big purple couch and google away to visit places like Tibet and Greece and Ireland. It's also worth it to check out this site. It's got great panoramic views of all sorts of places. Pretty neat stuff.

Tonight I will dream that I climbed Mount Everest or saw the Great Wall of China or explored the Amazon.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

vinyl butterflies and button reefs

This may be one of the coolest things I've seen in awhile. Paul Villinski created this beautiful scene with all recycled products. He does the same with beer cans and some other stuff too. Check it.

There is an entire exhibit at the Museum of Art and Design in Columbus Circle (NYC) that showcases installations comprised of ordinary and everyday stuff.

Here is another piece done by Tara Donovan that is completey made of buttons and glue...

Pretty neat huh?

Monday, February 09, 2009

the best and the worst of the grammys

Overall the Grammys made me feel like I should be taking out my teeth and wearing a "moo moo". First of all, whose brilliant idea was it to have the Jonas Bros. pair up with Stevie Wonder?? They should be shot. Watching that was as painful as 23 hours of labor and an emergency c-section (but with out the reward). Ew.

It wasn't ALL terrible. I mean, Radiohead was there. If you didn't catch it, I posted it below. They played 15 Step with the USC Marching Band. Fucking brilliant! And of course, Jonny Greenwood was looking as fine as ever. Than there was the "Rap Pack" performance (those are Queen Latifah's words, not mine). T.I., Lil' Wayne, Kanye West, Jay-Z (who redeemed himself from the awkward Chris Martin duet thing) and MIA. Awesome. And um, holy shit MIA!! I honestly thought her water was going to break mid song.

I also didn't mind that chic Adele. She's like Amy Winehouse minus the crack. Oh and Jennifer Hudson made me cry. I can honestly say that I know shit about her music, but when I watched her perform last night, I was definitely feeling something and that's what music is about. Another notable performance was Kanye West and Estelle. Apparently I am late to this party, but I must have listened to "American Boy" a trillion times today.

I really, really wanted Radiohead to win the Album of the Year, but well, that was given to Robert Plant and some chic. Maybe the criteria for that award is for the longest most boring album ever. Ok, maybe I'm a little bitter, sorry Robert Plant.

Here's there incredible performance.

ps. didn't Zooey Deschanel look hot last night.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

cover this

so, i stumbled upon an old myspace page of mine and i thought it was cute and just a little amusing. i had so much fun doing these covers that I think I'm gonna start doing them again.

honestly, i never did think i had much of a voice and now 4 or 5 years and 700 million packs of smokes later, i still probably sound like crap. but its fun, and i don't care so.....

any requests?!?