Monday, February 09, 2009

the best and the worst of the grammys

Overall the Grammys made me feel like I should be taking out my teeth and wearing a "moo moo". First of all, whose brilliant idea was it to have the Jonas Bros. pair up with Stevie Wonder?? They should be shot. Watching that was as painful as 23 hours of labor and an emergency c-section (but with out the reward). Ew.

It wasn't ALL terrible. I mean, Radiohead was there. If you didn't catch it, I posted it below. They played 15 Step with the USC Marching Band. Fucking brilliant! And of course, Jonny Greenwood was looking as fine as ever. Than there was the "Rap Pack" performance (those are Queen Latifah's words, not mine). T.I., Lil' Wayne, Kanye West, Jay-Z (who redeemed himself from the awkward Chris Martin duet thing) and MIA. Awesome. And um, holy shit MIA!! I honestly thought her water was going to break mid song.

I also didn't mind that chic Adele. She's like Amy Winehouse minus the crack. Oh and Jennifer Hudson made me cry. I can honestly say that I know shit about her music, but when I watched her perform last night, I was definitely feeling something and that's what music is about. Another notable performance was Kanye West and Estelle. Apparently I am late to this party, but I must have listened to "American Boy" a trillion times today.

I really, really wanted Radiohead to win the Album of the Year, but well, that was given to Robert Plant and some chic. Maybe the criteria for that award is for the longest most boring album ever. Ok, maybe I'm a little bitter, sorry Robert Plant.

Here's there incredible performance.

ps. didn't Zooey Deschanel look hot last night.


lauren williams said...

i like how you are baiting charles with the zooey deschanel question. likely he won't remember her name, however. it sucked that radiohead didn't win, but the robert plant and alison krauss record was actually quite good, i thought. i like her. remember when she sang on phish's "if i could"? awwww...

Charles said...

The first 5 times we turned to it, there were either children or Kid Rock performing. When did the grammy's turn in to the Nickelodian awards?

Oh, and, what was up with your girl? She looked like a coat hanger wrapped in toilet paper... with a heroin problem. Hot? Really?