Thursday, November 13, 2008

going down?

let me tell you about my day today.

first, i bought these super cute rain boots with polka dots that i was amped to wear today. well, i put them on and ran out the door, walked about a block an realized that these cute little boots were just a little too small. i thought for a second, hmph, i can handle this, im a chick right, i squeeze into lots of things. by the time i got the subway i felt like my feet were inside those clamp things that i used to use in shop class in high school. all f a sudden i was in excruciating pain. as i waited for the train, i just pumped john darnielle in my headphones and prayed that i would get a seat. did i? of course not. some woman nearly knocked me over for the one seat that was clearly mine. needess to say, i stood for a half hour and limped all the way to work.

lets move on to 8:24 am. that was the time i got in an elevator to go to a stupid meeting (i really really hate meetings). i get on the elevator first and am followed by about 13 other people. yes, 14 total people in one elevator. the doors close and we start going up until around the 6th floor. then what happened? THE FUCKIN ELEVATOR FELL 2 FLOORS. yep. you heard right, fell 2 floors. it happened pretty quick and i lost almost a whole cup of a $4 freakin starbucks mocha in the process. and yes, i screamed like a little bitch. after the "fall", everone was alittle paniced, but still doing ok. we yelled for help, banged on the door and tried every way possible to get a goddamn bar on a cell phone. finally the security office called into the elevator on the emergency phone. when we told him what happened and that we were shoulder to shoulder with 14 people in the elevator car, he fuckin laughed and proceeded to lecture us about the capacity of the elevator. i wanted to rip through the phone and pull out his intestine through his mouth. then he says "Stand by". like we are fuckin going somewhere.

so here i am in a black, dark and cramped 6x6 elevator for about 15 minutes already when the security dude comes back and says "ok, we called the elevator company, they should be here soon". that's when the panic attacks started. one girl was yelling "no no, you need to call the fire department. i can't breathe. oh my god oh my god". then she went hysterical. then another guy starts cracking jokes. as i start to look around i can see the panic in every one elevating. include myself. i thought for a second that i might pass out, but i managed to talk myself through it. i stood in a corner of that elevator, fanning myself with a piece of paper (because it was about 110 degrees in there) and just kept telling myself to breathe. i kept thinking "kelli, you have been through a lot work this week, you can get through this." it helped. i know that Lori was with me, helping me get through it. just as she has been doing since i lost her.

anyway, after about a half an hour the air definitely got thin and i could hear the crew trying to get us out. the chick was still freaking and at this point everyone is stripping down layer by layer. we could only do it one at a time because when one persn took their jacket off, everyoe around them had to hold up their arms to give them the space to do it. thats how cramped we were. it was absolute insanity.

by around 45 minutes, the crew got the door open about 2 inches. everyone started feeling better because we could feel the air coming in the car. they passd up bottles of water and everyone calmed down alittle bit. finally, the doors were open and we had to climb up and out to the 4th floor. thats when i realized how far we fell. the elevator car said 6th floor.

as soon as my feet hit the ground, i went hysterical. i bugged the fuck out.

so, yeah, then, to top things off, about an hour later after my hands stopped shaking and i regained a normal breathing pattern my glasses broke. for no reason just sprung off my face and snapped.

thats my day.

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