Thursday, October 16, 2008

i think mccain needs a time out

was it just me or did John McCain have some sort of blinking attack last night. i swear he blinked like a katrillion times. maybe it's some sort of nervous tick. good thing hes not a poker player.

so, yeah, i watched the final debate between obama, mccain and "joe the plumber". i think thats the guy that hangs with "joe six pack". not sure.

anyway, what the hell was mccain's problem. was he throwing an actual hissy fit? i mean, the body language was way off the chart. it was like watching a kid throw a temper tantrum. the huffing and puffing, the twitching, rolling his eyes, interupting everyone. that sort of behavior isn't acceptable for my year old daughter, let alone a presidental candidate. jesus man, keep it together.

obama on the other hand rocked it. he was cool, calm and collected the entire time. he actually answered the questions that were presented and spoke in complete full sentences. way to go!

i was glad that the topics of abortion and education came up. those are things that are really important to me and i'm glad that they took a break from the financial mumbo jumbo for like 2 seconds. when mccain talks about roe v wade being a "bad decision", it makes me want to smack him down. like seriously, what the fuck.

my favorite is this quote from mccain...

“I would consider anyone in their qualifications. I do not believe that someone who has supported Roe v. Wade would be part of those qualifications.”

so what, anyone who believes in the constitutional right to privacy and the freedom of choice as an american citizen, isn't qualified?

1 comment:

lauren williams said...

he was blinking up a frickin' storm dude! I think between him and Palin and her winking, they are having one hell of a seizure up there. Or maybe sending subliminal messages. My favorite part, other than when the geezer called Obama "senator government" by mistake(by the way, i cast my vote for Senator Government!) was when McCain got all crybaby about how Rep. Lewis remarks about how McCain/Palin rallies resemble lynch mobs. Um... you have that crazy moosehunter bitch up there calling Obama a terrorist and your redneck, IQ-deficient supporters are shouting things out like "kill him!" That sounds pretty familiar to me, buddy.

But the old fart got all bleary eyed and was like "you didn't defend me" essentially... YOU HAVE YOUR IDIOT RUNNING MATE INCITING PEOPLE TO RIOT BY CALLING THIS MAN A TERRORIST you fucking jackass! Jesus! I mean, really. Fuck that shit.

Most confusing to me was the nonsensical "scorecard" thing with additional vague graph that they were doing on CNN. It's like American Idol or something. Which is precisely why we watched in on PBS.