Friday, May 11, 2007

summer in the city

today was officially the hottest, dampest, grossest day so far. what is a big, fat pregnant girl supposed to do!!

i'm scared to think of what july will be like. all i want right now is to sit in a bath of ice cubes and its only may. not to be gross, but my boobs are so sweaty and heavy i think i need to put them up on stilts or something. seriously. i think that in addition to the baby in my belly, she has siblings in both the left and right breast.

believe me, theres lots more gross, but i'll spare you.

on the bright side, today can be considered a good day because i got a seat on the subway both to AND from work. that almost never happens. i prepped my mean preggo face, just in case, but can now save it for another day.

tomorrow, another doc appt. my blood tests came back abnormal which means i probably have some form of diabetes. now i'll have to prick myself a bunch a times a day with a needle, as if pregnancy wasn't hard enough already. oh and the best part is, its about that time when mr. softy is driving around, blaring his happy song, spreading the goodness of vanilla soft serve cones and rainbow sprinkles. just in time for me to have to cut out anything that contains sugar. hes passing my house right now for the billionth time this hour. he's mocking me. that bastard.

but dont worry my lovelies, us strong gals will be fine. i will survive the diabetes. i will survive child birth and, hardest of all, i will survive my craving for delicious ice cream.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kelli, Congratulations on the baby... We are due in 2 months! Can you please contact me, I have a question for you.