Monday, May 07, 2007

the one who smelt it dealt it..

why is it that everytime theres that familiar foul scent that encompasses a subway car, everyone looks at the pregnant chic? its always on the express trains too, so you have to sit with it for like 5 fresh air, no open doors. ewww...

now, if you know preggos, then you know that we do tend to loose control of our bodies while, you know, growing another person and all, but seriously its just rude to automatically assume that its us. i, personally, do not "let loose" in public, especially in closed spaces. i mean, thats just plain rude. besides we are about to be moms and have probably freshened up on our manners lately, so in most cases its not us., if you were to be around me when im home, thats a whole other story. you probably wouldnt even want to be my friend anymore. im surprised trey still loves me. got to give him credit for putting up with all those sounds, smells and attitudes he puts up with on a daily basis. but, like i said, im growing a person, these things happen.

so, i guess what im trying to say is...lets put an end to public poots!


lauren williams said...

um...i believe the one who denied it supplied it.

just amodern girl... said...

girls dont poot. duh.