Wednesday, October 25, 2006

the ipod shuffle truffle

the boys are once again consumed with the travel channel and "when pets attack 4" and, as per usual, they taken over the living room with all their boyness. that leaves me here in my solidtude and quite bored at the moment.

so, for your entertainment and mine, here is my version of the "fuck the onion av club ipod shuffle". and lb, people do care about what we listen to, because, well, we are the most fabulous people on earth. no joke.

and here she blows...

"the night you cant remember" - magnetic fields, 69 love songs
is there anyone who DOESNT love the magnetic fields? i mean, i want nothing more than to eat stephen meritt with a spoon.

"twilight" - elliott smith, from a basement
this particular elliott smith album reminds me of leaving richmond. i think because i got really into it at the same time i decided i was going to move back to new york. this song imparticular is the perfect selection off that record to demonstrate that. the lyrics go something like "cause im already somebodys baby" yeah, new york will always have my heart, sorry richmond.

"some blues" - julie doiron, goodnight nobody
im a chick, i can help it. theres just something about a heart wrenching female songwriter that gets inside me. i just get it. and its pretty and i like pretty things. if you've ever heard my music, you can tell where my influences come from, thats for sure.

"funny little bugs" - death cab for cutie, we have the facts, and we're voting yes
i'll admit, i do have a little crush on ben gibbard but thats not to take away from tha fact that i love love love this band. they just make me feel all yummy inside, like im home, even when im not.

"rien de rien" - edith piaf
give me a bottle of wine and put me in a bath surrounded by a thousands candles. thank you.

"wild sage" - the mountain goats, get lonely
i think ive made it very clear how much i adore john darnielle. this is off the new album and if you dont own it yet, then your just retarded. darnielle says everything you want to say, exactly the way you want to say it. i just want to hop in his head and pull up a chair.

"my my lola" - the cogburns, pay up sucker
this is t-bones band and it makes me super happy that hes behind a drum kit again. however, for some reason this band doesnt play in new york which is complete bull shit. its fuckin new york jerk face!!

"holding back the years" - lou barlow, emoh
lou barlow came out of no where for me. i was never really into dinosaur jr, but im always willing to check out new stuff so i when i heard his solo album for the first time i was speechless. it took over summer of '05.

"why" - david byrne, grown backwards
i had the priviledge to see david byrne at the apollo in nyc a few years ago and to this day it was probably one of the best shows ive ever seen. im a talking heads junkie, so loving david byrne is a no brainer.

"lifes a bitch" - nas, illmatic
hahahaha...oh lb!! this was our beer run jam.

"shake a puddin" - dub narcotic sound system, boot party
"lika a cherry cheesecake..." this is just good 'ol fashion fun. ive loved calvin johnson forever and this is just the best thus far.

"i like giants" - kimya dawson, remember that i love you
oh man, she is incredibly adorable and i love her. she so down to earth and cutsie. you can tell on this album that shes super pregnant and glowing.

"i will" - the beatles, the white album
i am the ultimate beatles fan. always have been and always will be. theres not much more too it than that.

so, i could seriously do this all night but i need to blow my nose because i am the sickest girl ever. stay tuned though, this was too much fun to just do once. and if it gets boring, eat shit and dont read my blog.

1 comment:

lauren williams said...

yes, i think we should just do this whenever we are bored. i don't care, i like reading them...and we are all that matter!!!!