Saturday, January 10, 2009

toddlers, tiarras & pedophiles

What are pedophiles doing on Thursday nights?? Probably watching this disgusting television show called "Toddlers & Tiarras" on TLC. Just watching the preview to the show makes me throw up a little in my mouth. What on earth would any parent subject their child to this. Why not just have them walk around town with a sign on their back that says "Rape Me". Ok ok, maybe thats's a bit harsh, but come on people.

And then to actually have a network air a show like this. Out of control. Let's just remember what TLC stands for...the fucking LEARNING channel. Seriousy?!? Is their no limit to reality show trash. This is seriously dangerous for these kids. Besides the damage that will be done to them as they grow older. I'm no psychic, but I see anorexia, coke addictions and massive insecurities in these girls lives.

Here is an episode of this show, but only watch it with a barf bag near by.

1 comment:

Charles said...

Thats disgusting. Anyone involved should be arrested.