Monday, October 20, 2008

halloween hookers...

um. when did halloween become so goddamn slutty!! seriously, these are all made for women who throw up their meals on the daily. whats a "healthy" girl to do!!

don't get me wrong, i'm comfortable in my own skin and all, but that doesnt mean that i want to to show off my post baby belly and stretch marked thighs. AND, i'm a mom, not a hooker.
i am looking for a halloween costume for a REAL person!!! you know, a costume that doesnt show 99.5% of my skin. why is that so hard.

they even make an electrical outlet scandalous!


lauren williams said...

look! they even have maternity hooker costumes! awesome. dude, this reminds me of how one time when i was in ricky's this really old dude came in and went straight back to the room where they have all the sex toys and stuff. it was really funny. he tried to act for a minute like he was shopping, but then he just made a beeline for the curtain area and the next thing you know i saw him in there checking out the edible body paint and shit. classic.

ses said...

One of Aimee's co-workers was tired of the same thing: slutty costumes for women. So, she took a costume that, by nature, was not slutty, and then made it slutty. The result: A slutty Abraham Lincoln. It was brilliant. She had the beard, the coat tails, and then the fishnets and hot pants. Hysterial. When I get a picture of it, I'll send it to you.