Saturday, September 22, 2007

brooklyn girls forever and ever.

after having a baby, i guess its natural to start having thoughts of buying a home and settling down. (or maybe its before you have a baby. trey and i seem to have it all backwards.) anyway, last week i was having serious thoughts about the possibility of moving back to long island when we are ready to actually purchase a home and all that. i was at my mothers house, sitting on the deck with a corona and began to picture a happy little home with a nice yard and my daughter running around with a puppy or something, being cute as usual.

then, i started thinking about how much easier it is to get around with a kid on long island. its easy to just run a quick errand or go to the supermarket, etc. i keep picturing myself as that woman on the subway trying to carry a 50lb carriage and a kid up 10 million stairs, sweating, huffing and puffing. so, raising a child on long island makes sense, right?


for the first time since i gave birth to shaela rose, i ventured out into the world again, all alone, and took the good 'ol N train to manhattan. well, the second the train started over the manhattan bridge, i remembered why i am here and how much i truly love new york city. it was like a huge wave of reason flushed over me. what in gods name was i ever thinking!!

here are some of my reasons NOT to live on long island..

1 - guidos. self explanatory.

2- lawn mowers. not only is it annoying to have to mow your own lawn, but who can live in a place where all you hear are crickets and lawn mowers all the time.

3- its a trap. for anyone you has lived on long island and was fortunate enough to get out, you rock. but dont you noticed that those who never leave become weird and trapped in this little bubble of suburbia. gross.

4- commuting. traffic sucks. lirr is even worse. its like an obstacle course just to get anywhere fun (like the city!!). its absolute torture.

and number 5..because, well, we are just too cool to live on long island. duh.

i have new dreams now. as most people know that i am forever a bridge and tunnel gal. i love brooklyn and can't imagine being anywhere else, even manhattan. so, a nice brownstone in cobble hill or brooklyn heights will do just fine.

new york, i had a small lapse of judgment and it will never happen again. promise.

1 comment:

lauren williams said...

wow, i got totally scared at the beginning of this post. i thought i was gonna have to head out to brooklyn for an intervention! i'm glad clearer head has prevailed... shaela rose is waaaaaaaay too good for strong island, just like her mommy. 5 boroughs forever!!!(well, except staten island) xo xo