Saturday, January 06, 2007

i need you to listen..

Tell 'em Leo...

This is just a glimpse into the terrifying issue of global warming. I have recently become more and more intrigued and involved in this because of the overwhelming statistical information that have been brought to my attention.

Just the fact that my child will live in an entirely different world than the one I know now is almost inconceivable. She won't breath the same air or be able to hike in the wonders of our wilderness. And I imagine that she will hate me and our generation for not protecting her. And she would be right.

If we don't start to educate ourselves and begin to stop what is happening, we could potentially end this earth as we know it. No, it probably won't effect us in our lifetime, but what about my baby. What about your babies and grandbabies?

Did you know that the 1990's was the warmest decade ever? And that 2005 was the hottest year ever recorded? Ever. Hmm. Maybe thats something to think about on this 73 degree January day.

The potential consequences are astonishing. Just a few years back over 30, 000 people died in Europe from the heat wave. Remember that? And Hurricane Katrina? Of course global warming had its hand dipped it that. West Nile Virus, SARS? Funny how all of these new and tragic diseases started to put up. New climate, new species, new disease. Simple huh? These are just small signs of the devestation that can and will occur.

Do you know that if all of Greenland or even a part of it melts, it will rise the sea level almost 20 ft. That will effect almost 50 million people in the world. To put it in perspective, Hurricane Katrina effected close to 100, 000 people and look how we handled that. Just imagine the harm that would do to the world as we know it. Where would these people go? Do you really think that surrounding countries will accept all of these refugees or do you think that they will withhold their already decreasing resources for themselves. Sniff sniff...that sounds like war to me.

If that doesn't get you, let me put it this way for all you NYC folks. Manhattan will under water city. Yeah, I know, not funny.

I suggest that you all immediatly check out these websites:

I also recommend that you check out Al Gore's An Inconvienent Truth its very educational and well, we robbed him of presidency, the least we could do is hear the guy out.

Help me fight for my baby. Help save her planet. Love Kelli.

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