Monday, January 29, 2007

be sure to hug mom often

so, i think i experienced the baby move today. it was either that or i was just hungry. but i'm pretty sure it was the baby because, lord knows, i know hunger and that wasn't it. i can't even explain what it felt like. if i had to put it in words, i would say it felt sort of like a goldfish in my uterus.

i mean, she is 3 inches long and weighs almost 2 ounces. i would feel that move in my body right? who the hell knows.

want some more fun facts about 15 week old fetus...well, apparently she has already grown her fingernails and eyebrows out too. random but cool.

ok. so this is a little terrifying, but we decided to go with an all natural, water birth. some say i'm crazy and will be screaming for drugs almost immediately, but i figure, i'm a woman damn it, this IS what my body was designed for right?

we've already asked my girl melinda to be our doula and she kindly agreed. not only will she be right there with me, coaching my every move, but she will be an extra set of hands to scrape trey off the floor when he passes out, which i can pretty much guarantee will happen.

we'll probably get a birthing room at the hospital, just in case of any complications with the cysts and all, but yeah, i'm going all natural baby!!

water birth is neat. it's less shocking for the baby. it seems sort of cruel to take her from my pleasant womb directly into the "real world" so dramatically. we'll ease her way into this world, nice and slow. she's got her whole life for drama.

1 comment:

ses said...

way to go water birth. i'm totally on that when i'm ready to give birth. i know you're worried about the cysts, but everything is going to be just fine.

i don't think i've told you yet, but i'm really proud of you.

i love you.