Friday, September 08, 2006

its friday night

due to the absence of funds, i am, yet again, home on a friday night. ask me if i care? give this girl some good french wine, a pack of camel cigarettes and edith pilaf and i am happy happy. trey says you can fall in love while listening to edith pilaf, i firmly agree.

tonight is the first night i am home alone and, man, does it feel good. theres nothing like solitude. dont get me wrong, i love my man and adore my roommate, but sometimes you just need to be home alone with yourself. its like this undeniable freedom to do whatever you want, play some music, take a bath and run around naked, whatever.

the only issue i have with right now is the girls gone wild chicks and belching weight lifters that have proceeded to impound my brain with their screeches and retarded conversations from the floors below. as i mentioned to my good friend mr. reed, i want to drop a goddamn keg on them.

not only are these annoying "woo hooers" annoying the fuck out of me, but they are waking the most obnoxious dogs of all time that live one floor down from me. oh, hav i not mentioned the little shit fuck dogs that wake me up at 7am every morning and continue to bark hour after hour after hour with their little 2lb doggie barks. not to mention that their, stick up her ass, owner broke up my birthday bash dance party. asshole!!

well, i really did have more intelligent things to say, but my brain is in the process of decomposing from the idiocy of down below, so, i am choosing to crack open the next bottle of wine and begin an x-files "on demand" marathon (yes, you can do that. my life is now complete). perhaps the dreamy david duchovany can save me from slitting my wrists.

ok. they are singing journey, im out.