Saturday, March 14, 2009

ink for kids!!

so, i just heard about this new barbie, and everyone I talked to about it thinks I'm completely crazy (appearantly theres some sort of uproar about it)....but I think its neat.

Meet "Totally Stylin Tattoo Barbie".

whats the big deal? Tattoos are a form of expression and art!! I can just see the PTA picketing in front of Mattel about these, while their daughters are home playing with the "American Top Model" barbie or one of those hooker dolls they call "Bratz" (yes, with a z).

Are people implying that "tattoos" are not up to some bizarro standard made up by the clones of "Desperate Housewives"? Isn't it some sort of discrimination? Grr. Makes me mad. I am a beautiful and smart woman and mother and I have quite a few tatts myself and look forward to much more. Fuck off you khaki wearing bitches, my daughter is TOTALLY bringing this over to play with your kids.

1 comment:

lauren williams said...

i love that she's "totally stylin'" that's totally awesome :)