why oh why, would britney spears perform at the mtv vma awards? what a freakin trainwreck. first of all, she wasnt even singing...obviously. and thanks for cleaning up there brit. you could have atleast brushed your hair a little and, not for nothing, but if you know your going to perform in front of millions of people and you know that they are going to be judging you, why wear a bikini and open yourself up to those muffin top jokes.
worst of all, could she look any more unenthusiastic. so sorry, are we disturbing you britney? its like someone dragged her out of bed after a long night of drinking, tossed some water on her face, shook her around some, threw sequins at her and tossed her on stage. she didn't even try.
it was so bad, i had to shield shaela from the tv because you never know what kind of damage that could do to a baby. face it, its over brit. go home to your kids and at least try to redeem yourself as a mother.
and could we talk about john norris for a minute. talk about disturbing. what the heck was that about. in case you forgot who "normal" john norris is, this is him....
he was the mtv vj from the 80's and 90's and, ok, so he was kind of a dork, but he was a face of a generation back then. remember when mtv actually showed videos. yeah, he was there for that.
so seriously john, what the hell are you doing. for those of you who missed tragic scene last night, john sported a bleach blonde, ryan seacrest sort of hair doo and was dressed like steven tyler on crack. i think he even had more eye make up on than the crab infested, strippers on rock of love.
why? someone, please tell me why.
the only thing good about the vmas was seeing my boy, justin. yummy. i do love me some justin timberlake. i cant deny.
talk about living up to the expectations! thanks britney! you are just as drunk and useless as we thought you were! don't look, shaela!!!!
like steven tyler on crack.... hahahahhaha
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