all is well in preggo land. there have been some complications, but both my baby girl and i are doing fine. they (being the docs) are testing me for gestational diabetes. i was freaking out for awhile, so much that i made myself sick, but now i'm just working to stay strong and healthy. strict diet and lots of needles, thats my life now. its a real overwhelming feeling when you have to worry about another human life. your childs life at that. i guess i just went through my whole life being carefree and never worried about what could happen to me, but now. now its not even about me anymore.
enough about that. in slightly happier and more boring news, we painted the baby's room last weekend. water hyacinth is the color. for those not in the paint color circular, thats purple. i think she's going to love it. we do. soon we'll have the prissy white furniture set up and paint all the butterflies and flowers we can fit on the walls. its got to be perfect!
i'll be honest, im just starting to get used to the idea of pregnancy at this pont. it only took 7 months, but now all i think about is what she is going to look like. what will her laugh sound like. will she be super ticklish like her mom. i just cant wait to meet her.
she is a happy little girl in the belly. she moves like crazy. in the morning, it feels and looks like she stretches all of her limbs, just like her dad. i'll admit, it hurts like hell sometimes, but man, it is by far the most amazing feeling ever. at night, when i ly on the bed belly out, i just stare at my bump and watch an elbow, or maybe a knee, roll across my abdomen. i loose my breath everytime. at first, i would feel little punches and kicks, but now its more like a roll and tumvle. like a little girl spinning in her mommas womb. god, i love her so much.
this week, her favorite music is the new bill callahan. baby says get it. get it now and listen in to all the goodness. she is also obsessing over jaymay. yes, she loves the chick music like her mommy. we are a musical genius team. yep.
for those of you who are interested, i promise to keep up on this. since most of my days and nights are spent lying in bed watching my belly move, i know i can be out of touch. so, you can either read my blog or get your asses to brooklyn to visit me. i am preggo ya know.
ps. names. this is causing much stress in my life. need the perfect name for my buggagboo. if i dont pick one soon, i'll be stuck with cassiopia or some stupid shit like that.
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